"High octane" ITV thriller Tenacity begins with a Royal Navy sailor discovered dead aboard a British nuclear submarine. A military detective is sent to investigate the "accident" – but it soon becomes clear there is something more sinister going on.


Here's what you need to know...

When is Tenacity on TV?

Tenacity will commence filming in 2020. An air date has not been announced for the six-part series.

What is Tenacity about?

The drama is inspired by JS Law's debut novel (also titled Tenacity) and is created and written by Peter A Dowling, whose previous credits include Flightplan and Reasonable Doubt. This is his first UK television show.

"When a dead submariner is discovered aboard the British nuclear submarine, Tenacity, disgraced military detective Danielle ‘Dan’ Lewis is sent to investigate the accident," ITV says. "But when the case turns to murder it puts her in conflict with Tenacity's crew, her Navy superiors, and into the crosshairs of an assassin who has infiltrated her nuclear base with an agenda that will not only destroy national security but kill Dan and everyone she loves."

Dowling says: “I am thrilled to write Tenacity for ITV. Their ambition and enthusiasm for the project is hugely exciting and I can't think of better collaborators to help bring Lieutenant Dan Lewis to life.”

The drama will be made by Bad Wolf, the production company behind A Discovery of Witches and His Dark Materials. They'll be working in partnership with Entertainment One.

ITV’s Head of Drama comments: “Peter has written an incredible script with a brilliant and complex heroine leading an investigation that genuinely surprises. I am so delighted to be working with Bad Wolf and Entertainment One on this incredible drama, that promises to have an audience hooked from the start. We are excited to have this on ITV and think it will be addictive viewing.”


Who is in the cast of Tenacity?

Casting will be revealed closer to production – watch this space!


Eleanor Bley GriffithsDrama Editor, RadioTimes.com